Steering your
company’s competitiveness

As a driver of major transformations within your company, a guarantor of reliable information adapted to business needs, and a contributor to the growth and development of your business, you are constantly on the lookout for high-performance, secure and optimized solutions.

By combining our expertise in technological and human intelligence with business and economic intelligence, Aweho can help you achieve your goals.

Optimize organization and make processes more reliable.

Aweho’s digital platform and tools dematerialize your financial flows, automate your processes and systematize your controls. Accessible 24/7 from any type of device, they give you real-time access to your information.

  • Accessible, reliable and shared data
  • Increased efficiency and reduced administrative and repetitive tasks.
  • A global view of your activities
  • Secure assets

Managing your business

The use of Aweho’s technology and expertise enables you to select and implement dashboards and key indicators, standardize reporting across all BUs, ensure the quality and credibility of the figures produced, and simplify the reporting process to monitor certain key elements more closely, such as WCR components or environmental indicators in certain sectors.
With Aweho’s platform and customized dashboards, collecting sales information is extremely simple. It’s easy to quickly analyze who’s buying what, where and when. The insights provided can then impact subsequent decisions, such as which product lines require stronger marketing, and where? How should we approach projects that are not generating sufficient revenue? Which customers are having problems with payments, and what solutions can be found?

Where are the danger spots?
Based on all the analyses produced, you are in a position to steer your activities. The information behind these trends is easily accessible, making you a controller and strategist.

Contribute to value creation and competitiveness:

Internally, by preserving the margins and self-financing capacity of your company’s various activities

Externally, by mastering financial communication, understanding the company’s eco-system and supporting growth through acquisitions.
Aweho helps you identify the levers for growth and optimization.
No longer limited to traditional process optimization/cost reduction projects, you’ll be able to set objectives, monitor expected results and initiate the necessary corrective actions.

Sustain the business

As an Administrative and Financial Director, you need to be attentive to major events and trends in your markets and sectors.
This means understanding the impact of these developments on your company’s business model.

Via its digital platform, Aweho gives you access to business intelligence tools, data analysis tools and the expertise of its staff.

  • Having access to historical data for key business indicators helps to anchor business understanding within the finance function.
  • Having access to relevant financial information and targeted alerts on key indicators becomes a real competitive differentiator, enabling you to quickly decide on the measures to be put in place to prevent risks or seize opportunities.

« We waste so much time and energy consulting so many people when we set up a business, when our chartered accountant knows us and has all the information we need to advise us. »

Créateur d’entreprise

« We have both structures and a strategy to put in place in our early years, which is why we chose a solid, experienced firm. »


Aweho supports you to ensure competitiveness by ensuring alignment between your company’s business model and its external environment.

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